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5 minutes with 18th July 2024

Having worked his way up over the past seven years, Harry credits early client exposure and the ability to specialise in a discipline as key factors in his growth at Workman.

What do you enjoy about being part of the Welcome Team?

I love the progressive and collaborative nature here. Providing informed and reasoned advice to clients, especially with the evolving role of Property Manager, is particularly fulfilling.

What brought you to Workman, and how has your journey evolved since joining?

Workman offered me the chance to specialise early in my career and get that crucial client exposure that you do not necessarily get at other firms.

Share three words that capture your experience at Workman so far…

Traditional, agile, professional.

Take us through a typical day in your role at Workman. Are there any exciting projects or tasks on the horizon?

No day is the same, which is one of the best parts of the job – you get to experience a bit of everything.

I’ve just finished relocating the firm’s London HQ. It’s exciting because we’re all under one roof for the first time, which is a positive step for the business. The new space reflects our firm’s values but modernises them to meet our staff’s needs.

How does your role contribute to the success of the Workman and the Welcome Team?

As a senior team member, I have people reporting to me, and they must have the right skills to meet our high standards and client expectations.

Looking ahead, how do you envision developing your role in the coming months and years?

The role is constantly developing, and we have to leverage our experience as a firm to adapt to best serve our clients. With many clients having completed or in the process of finalising their Net Zero commitments, we will need to be ready to manage their assets through the next stage of the lifecycle which in most cases will require significant interventions.

What’s a standout moment or achievement you’ve experienced at Workman this far?

Recently, completing the lease for our new London HQ and working on the mobilisation process to ensure it was ready for occupation in April.

Beyond the desk what are your hobbies, how do they enrich your role at Workman?

I enjoy running, and cycling, and I’m a car enthusiast who loves to travel. This year, I’m planning a road trip through France. Visiting different places and understanding different cultures helps us as custodians of clients’ assets in a multinational city. We need to ensure these are accessible to all.

What building worldwide holds a special place in your heart, and why?

Cap Rocat in Mallorca. It was a military fort, now beautifully restored into a stunning hotel overlooking the Mediterranean. I will add a room was slightly out of the budget, but I can recommend the restaurants!

If you were to recommend a podcast to your colleague, what would it be and why?

“Behind the Glass” – if you’re into cars, you’ll get it. It’s informative, offers great travel suggestions, and is perfect for unwinding.