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Workman is committed to equal opportunities, individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities, without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation (the protected characteristics).

Our Commitment to Diversity

We recognise that when people feel able to be themselves at work and to talk openly with their colleagues. They are more likely to enjoy being at work and are more engaged with their roles and the objectives of the firm.

We are proud to have been among the first signatories to the RICS Inclusive Employer Kitemark; which supports businesses to ensure inclusivity is at the heart of all employment practices.


Workman is a certified RICS Inclusive Employer

We value the depth that a diverse workforce brings to our business and are proud to have been among the first signatories to the RICS Inclusive Employer Kitemark, which supports businesses to ensure that inclusivity is at the hear of all employment practices.