News 23rd April 2024 careers in property

Workman has joined The Academy of Real Assets, supporting UK school students with work experience, talks and events designed to highlight the world of career possibilities in the real estate sector.

Since its inception in 2021, almost 2,000 school students have taken part in 33 events, the Academy has welcomed 68 members and 69 partners, while running an annual competition publishing essays by 86 students from 40 schools.

The organisation also operates The Academy Youth Network for colleagues under 35 and/or in the business for less than 10 years to lead on social mobility and diversity initiatives, particularly to help school students in Year 10 and 11, primarily from disadvantaged and underserved communities, to understand and access careers in property.

Our Lucy Lennard‍, Senior Surveyor at Workman, is an active Youth Board member with the Academy, having contributed since 2022 to the creation of workshops to help young people think about the property industry, designed to answer questions including; “What is property management?” and “What is real estate?”.

Into the future, Workman aims to host a number of Y10 and 11 work experience students through the Academy, while also providing outreach talks at schools and contributing to events such as mock interview days.

At the same time as widening the talent pipeline for the industry, the initiatives introduce the real estate and real assets industry to young people who would not typically consider it as a career.

Currently, most of the Academy’s activity is based around inner-city London schools that are located within easy reach of the firm’s London office at 80 Cheapside, enabling the firm to support its local neighbourhood communities.

Richard Hart, Partner and Head of Property Management at Workman said: “The long-term goal would be that an Academy school student who comes to us for work experience could progress to a place on our renowned Graduate or Apprenticeship Scheme, ultimately joining us at Workman for a fulfilling career in the property industry. In return, through collaboration with likeminded organisations, our industry begins to benefit from a diversity of thought and experience that is so often lacking through more traditional routes. In the meantime, we are looking forward to building our connections with schools affiliated to The Academy of Real Assets, and being a part of their talks and events.”

Lucy Lennard, Senior Surveyor at Workman, and a member of The Academy of Real Assets’ 20-strong Youth Board, said: “It’s a privilege to work with the Academy and help deliver the social impact they are driving. I’m looking forward to supporting Workman’s involvement with the affiliated schools, and helping communicate all the opportunities the property industry holds to a young and diverse new generation of future talent.”

For more information, visit The Academy of Real Assets